Allbareskin Sphynx
Raising Quality well socialized sphynx kittens
How to Care for Your New Baby
About the Sphynx:
Sphynx are not like your typical domestic house cats. They are extremely affectionate, highly intelligent, and playful. These kitties are very inquisitive. They are constantly investigating everything and want to be in the middle of whatever your doing. Their unique look and personalities is what makes them highly sought after. You may find them jumping in the bathtub with you, balled up in your lap while watching tv, fetching balls, or even perched on your shoulder while playing at your computer or sitting at the dinner table. Sphynx are notorious for stealing food :) Don't be surprised if they take the food right out of your hand and run off :)
So where did these peculiar creatures originate?
The Sphynx breed although thought to be an Egyptian breed or associated with Egypt, actually originated in Canada in 1966 when a domestic gave birth to a hairless kitten. It was through a natural mutation that the Sphynx breed started. To keep this natural mutation going the Sphynx were bred to other breeds such as the Devon Rex which carries to most similar genetics. Since there was such a limited gene pool they were also bred to domestics and then back to other Sphynx to add hybrid vigor, creating a genetically sound cat while widening the gene pool.
Taking care of kitty:
Sphynx have no hair therefore they can get chilled very easy. These kitties must be kept at a somewhat warmer temperature or they can catch colds just like us. Think of it like this....if you were to walk around unclothed would you feel chilly? Your kitties will let you know if it is chilly in the house. They will typically be snuggled under the covers, resting on top of the heating vents, or sometimes even resting in front of the vent of the refrigerator. To help keep your baby warm you can dress him/her in warm sweaters, you can purchase specially made pet beds that have heating pads built in, place supplemental heaters in the room, or you can provide plenty of warm covers for them.
Bath Time:
How often to bath your kitties depends on the individual cat and the texture of their skin. Some Sphynx are sticky/rubber bald and tend to produce a little more oil than others so they need to be bathed more frequently. Others can have peach fuzz and generally don't produce as much oil as their rubber bald brothers and sisters. Over time you will figure out how frequently your baby needs to be bathed. Just keep in mind......the kitties bodies are similar to ours so if you bath them too often you can strip their bodies of the essential oils they need. This in return can dry them out or can make their body try to compensate and end up producing more oils than normal.
A little guide to go by.......The rubber bald kitties usually require weekly to bi-weekly bathes. The peach fuzz kitties generally require bathes every two to four weeks.
Every kitty is different and some of the kitties seem to be more sensitive to certain products than others. Be careful which product you use because some can cause their skin to break out and have bad reactions. There are some specialty shampoos for Sphynx which can be bought over the internet. There are also some home remedies using coconut oil to condition their skin and make cleaning a little easier. We haven't used coconut oil on our kitties but have heard good things about it. When picking up your baby we will tell you which product we have found that works best for your particular kitten.
Our kitties are bathed frequently since birth so they are pretty used to their bathes. We here at our house bath our kitties in the bath tub and in the sink. Our best advice is to run warm water up to belly height before placing the kitty in the bath tub (sometimes the sound of the faucet can really scare kitties). Holding kitties with one hand around the breastbone helps make bathing easier and also gently holding both front legs together under the armpits. Don't hold too tightly or you will make kitty feel like they are being pinned down. Sometimes kitties can get scared when you run water over their heads. My best advice is to rub some water on their head, lather them up and gently wash with a washcloth. After bathing your kitty wrap them in a towel like a baby and clean their face ears and nails.
Kitties need their ears cleaned at least once a week. Since Sphynx don't have any hair in their ears to help distribute the oils and wax, the wax can build up which in return can cause ear problems. The wax in Sphynx ears is different than your typical domestic house cat. The wax found in Sphynx cats ears can be kind of thick, black and tarry. Many vets that don't have much experience with the Sphynx breed can confuse this with them having ear mites or yeast infections of the ears.
Your kitty will also need to have a manicure and pedicure yay!!! Although this is a luxury for us sometimes the kitties don't seem to appreciate it so much :) Since Sphynx don't have any hair to distribute the oils their skin produces the oil and dirt they come across running around can build up on the nail beds and in between their nails. Its easiest to clean the kitties nails after bathing with a q-tip when they are still moist. You can also use wet wipes to clean their nails which contains lanolin. Kitties nails need to be carefully trimmed with either nail trimmers purchased at the pet store or small nail clippers made for people. Be careful not to cut above the quick.