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A little about ourselves:


Allbareskin Sphynx is an inhome cattery located in the heart of the Ozarks in Missouri. We are a TICA registered cattery striving to produce the most lovable and well socialized sphynx. An HCM scanning cattery, health is our priority.


A little more about us:


Our first encounter with the sphynx breed was back in 2004 while visiting at a friends house. We were just amazed at the personality of this little creature. He was the most affectionate cat we had ever met! Not only was he unique looking, but he was so smart.... and very energetic. As I sat on the couch I offered him my hand. He sniffed at my hand then instantly jumped up into my lap rubbing his head all over my face while purring. I was a little worried because I had dealt with allergies most of my life, but to my amazement I never had any reactions. We fell in love with our friends sphynx that night and from that day on we were on a search for our own. We spent a long time researching about the breed before making our final decision to bring one home. We researched about genetic defects in the breed, their history, and others experiences with them. We wanted to make the right decision when buying our baby.  


After purchasing our baby we decided we just had to have another. After so much research and speaking with all of the other breeders we decided we wanted to embark on a new journey. We wanted to have little ones of our own and try to help improve the breed while doing so. What a blessing it has been for us. We get to meet so many different people and we love seeing the joy on their faces when they first meet their new baby!!


We are soo happy to bring these babies to you and we soo enjoy receiving updates and pictures the older they get. Take some time to read up a little bit on our website and please feel free to inquire with questions.





-Allbareskinsphynx Momma

Located in Missouri          636-686-0807   
**Note: The pictures posted on this website belong to Allbareskin Sphynx and its owners. Any copying and misuse is punishable by law and is strictly enforced.

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