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Why do we ask what we do?


Hobby breeding is a very time consuming and expensive hobby. We ask what we do for our cats to cover the costs incurred by them and to be able to provide for their future care.


Breeding is an extremely expensive hobby if done right. The cost of food, medical bills, supplies, and other breeding costs at times can put us in the negative. It isn't very often hobby breeders make a profit when breeding. Most of the money brought in goes out in expenditures. Profit is only made when things go perfectly right and that rarely happens.


Supplemental electricity to keep the cats warm raises our electric bill as well as the cost of advertising. Advertising can be expensive as most sites charge a 30-60 dollar fee.

The cost to bring in a healthy breeding cat can cost anywhere from 2000-5000 dollars depending on where the cat is brought in from and from which breeder. At times bringing in a new cat can be a total loss as the cat may have a genetic defect not found prior to being bought, may not end up reproducing at all, or may end up having difficulties during birth. We have had a couple cats brought in from overseas that were found to have HCM and could never reproduce and were so sick I didn't want to breed them at all. These cats were total losses as the medical bills incurred from them, the cost of the cat and travel were never recouped. These cats had to be spayed and neutered and were re-homed as special needs kitties.


Cats generally have their kittens during the middle of the night when everything is quiet. We have had one case in which one of our cats had to have an emergency c-section during the middle of the night. The cost of that emergency c-section exceeded one thousand dollars.

Males and females do tend to spray when intact which in turn can cost breeders thousands of dollars to remodel what the cats have damaged.


The public eye thinks that breeders make money but that isn't so. A profit is rarely made.


It's for the love of the breed that we do what we do. We love meeting all of our parents and it makes us happy to see the joy that we bring to their lives when they first meet their babies. Many of our parents frequently send us updates and pictures letting us know how much their baby has changed their life and they don't know how they could have ever lived without them.












Located in Missouri          636-686-0807   
**Note: The pictures posted on this website belong to Allbareskin Sphynx and its owners. Any copying and misuse is punishable by law and is strictly enforced.

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