Allbareskin Sphynx
Raising Quality well socialized sphynx kittens

Why Early Neuter/Spay?
The main reason early spay and neuter is so important is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Overpopulation of unwanted dogs and cats in this country is a huge problem. Millions of animals are euthanized every year because they are unwanted and there are not enough homes for all of them. Of all the breeds cats are extremely efficient producers. Assuming that none of the kittens die from each litter, in seven years one female cat can produce as much as 175,000 kittens. The United States Humane Society has estimated that 2,500-3,000 dogs are born every hour in the United States. So how many humans are born per hour compared to dogs and cats? Only 450...... The dog and cat population greatly surpasses human births per hour by a little more than 6X!!!!!!
Another reason early neuter and spay is a good idea is to deter certain behavioral problems such as aggression and marking. Early spaying of females can prevent mammary cancer and also uterine infections. In males early neuter can help prevent testicular cancer and enlargement of the prostate and related infections.
Spayed and neutered pets make much better companions. Altered pets are less aggressive and tend to be more affectionate than those that are not. They are also less likely to roam.
You can read more about early spay/neuter on the link we have provided:
So instead of early neuter and spay why don't we just do spay/neuter contracts?
So why don't we do spay/neuter contracts? Well...we don't do them because they don't work. Of all the owners that enter into a spay/neuter contract about half of them do not comply with the terms of the contract. Of the owners that do comply, a majority do so once an unwanted pregnancy has already occurred. When those owners were asked why they waited so long they replied that they didn't think their animal was old enough to get pregnant. ***A female cat can get pregnant as early as four months of age.
We believe it is not only our duty but the ethical thing to do by spaying and neutering our kittens before they go to their new homes. We do not home unaltered animals under any circumstances......